Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Warm Up

What patterns did you notice?
I noticed that the majority of the posts were light-hearted and reflected the intimate relationship between family and language. However, many people discussed some of their struggles concerning their families, which provoked an even more meaningful relationship between the expressions and terms used amongst their families. All in all, the posted stories and expressions really helped bring each student to life, carrying the weight of their families' cultures and relationships.

What do these patterns reveal?
They reveal that more often than not, families have their own personal jokes and anecdotes, regardless of the nature of their relationship. Additionally, the less upbeat stories reveal that families almost always encounter stuggles as a group and use each other for support before anyone else.

What does it mean to be an insider?
An insider is a person who is a part of something that no one else can join or take away (in regards to language).

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